Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Saturday Market food stalls (stools?)


In Chiang Mai, every Sunday takes place the famous "Walking Night Market" on Th Ratchadamnoen, offering a taste of provincial culture, cheap bargains and reminding the itinerant merchants stopping in town to sell their goods.
Usually the street is packed with both locals and tourists making it hard to move around.

Less known however is the "Saturday Walking Market" on.. as you guessed.. Saturdays on Th Wualai. It attracts less tourists and is more enjoyable to walk around. It is located in an older street outside the "Old city" walls.
Of course, I have to admit, what I like most in these markets is the variety of local food you can find almost every 10 steps! My taste buds are grateful every weekend and my stomach curses me all night long.
Some people would avoid eating street food from fear of poor hygiene. I think it's an excellent way to discover local culture and I've never fallen sick from any kind of food during my 10-month travel.

What do you think? Would you be afraid to taste food from a merchant like in the photo above?

1 comment:

Zooey said...

Nope! I've tried the fried food snacks on stick before. :)

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